Alliteration is all around, Taco Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday and so on. It makes things easy to remember and creates a habit. I’ve heard it on the Happier podcast recently and have read about it in other places too so I wanted to offer up a few ways you can make some alliteration slogans that make your life easier! Trouble paying … Read More
How much do you have?
We are all surprised sometimes by how much of one item we really do have. If I said estimate how many pairs of socks you have – you may say 20. But when you dump all the socks from all the locations onto the bed and tally up you have 62! Um, that is 2 months worth! When things are … Read More
Habits are Helpful!
Habits can be super helpful. They can solve a whole host of problems. The key it to only change one habit at a time, make it easily attainable and commit to giving it a fair go for atleast 3 weeks – no excuses. The reasoning is that it if you try to focus on changing a lot of things at … Read More
The Basics of Getting Started
I think everyone wants to get organized but getting started is something else. It is a BIG change. I can assure you the discomfort of the process is worth the results. Things to remember – the stuff didn’t magically get there yesterday so tomorrow it won’t magically go away. What may have been important to you years ago, isn’t now … Read More