In-Person Home Staging includes the following:

* Phone Assessment of where you are at with getting your home ready for sale

*4 hour Session that includes walk through, actual hands on help decluttering items and packing up with furniture staging

* Detailed Report inclusive of what still needs to be done in each room – what stays, what goes, surface changes and  improvements / purchases needed as well as  those recommended.

(If more 1:1 help is needed, hourly time can be additionally purchased.)


Virtual Home Staging includes the following:

* Phone Assessment of where you are at with getting your home ready for sale

*A virtual session that includes you walking me through the entire home seeing all spaces and talking through what you have. (Probably 1-1.5hours)

*Possible photos then sent to me if needed for certain spaces.

* Detailed Report inclusive of what still needs to be done in each room – what stays, what goes, surface changes and  improvements / purchases needed as well as  those recommended.


About Staging:

Want to get your home looking its best before you put it on the market, well I can help. Homes that are staged are sold faster and for more money, it is a fact. Before you call the real estate agent, stage your home. The listing price will be higher and the pictures posted for your home will be of your home looking its best.

What is staging? Staging is preparing your home to sell by accentuating its advantages and eliminating or reducing the negatives, whether actual or perceived.

Staging costs some money but you will usually recoop 10x the amount you put into and be out faster! I will come in and assess your home, and come up with specific changes that must be done and changes that should be done. Decluttering comes first, rearrangement second and finally any improvements or repairs that either you or a contractor will do. The goal is spend the least amount of money and to use what you the home owner already own.