Delivered daily, it is a system that needs constant maintaining. Why is it so hard to keep it from turning into ugly piles of papers all around the house? Here are the best tips to keep it in order: Have a mail bin located closest to where you enter the house. It can be a large basket, wall bin, spot … Read More
I see this a lot in homes, a new bed is bought because well you need it and suddenly you decide the old one is still useful so you put it in the basement. New couch? Well, let’s place the old one in the basement with the other couch that we actually bought for the space as a spare. Because … Read More
Less is More
Less is more. I see this statement a lot with organizing and minimalism articles, posts, advertisements and such. What does this really mean? Well, let me explain. By less, this means less belongings in all areas. Less paper, less clothing, less toys, less stuff and maybe less obligations that are negative. When you have less stuff, it naturally takes less … Read More
2017 – A year of Less Stuff
If you are feeling overwhelmed with that state of clutter in your home, make 2017 a year of less stuff! There are so many ways you can do this so pick some or all of the items below to achieve your goal. Try to let go of 1 thing per day to either a donation box or to trash/recycling. Choose … Read More