Goodness, 2019 started and is now 1 month in! What have you done so far? No worries if you haven’t started on your goals yet. 11 months to go.
If you’ve written some out, pick the 3 you want to move forward on for February. Not them all, just 3. And then write out the first few actions you need to do on each of them. This alone will help you make progress.
If you haven’t written any out, now is the time. Do a brain dump on absolutely everything you want to do ever. Then, pick your top 5 goals for this year. Now take 2-3 of them and write out first steps. That is what you will work on. If you finish those, keep adding steps and doing them until your goal is complete. When one goal is done, pull in another one to start.
Some goals take several years to achieve. Say you make $50K a year and want to get to $60K. Maybe each year over the next 3 you try to add $3K of income either by raises/promotions or a side business.
The most powerful thing you can do besides writing your goals out and breaking them down into steps is scheduling time to work on them. Do you want to work on them daily? Weekly? Amount of time? At a minimum, I would start with 2 hours and maybe split that into 2 – 1 hr increments. Once this is habit, you may want to add more time.
Goals take action, so get to it!