COVID – 19 have you inside? What to do? Here are 19 ideas.
- Go through paper – 80% of the paper you keep you never ever look at or need.
- Go through clothing – let go of anything holey, not the right size, stained, uncomfortable, missing anything, etc.
- Consolidate all your to-do lists and start picking days to do the stuff at home you can do
- Do all the deep cleaning/small repairs you can do with what you have – give each room its own day
- Read all those novels you have in the “to read” pile, and put a free box on your lawn of all the ones you’ll never read again for people to take (libraries are closing)
- Listen or watch educational stuff like Ted talks, virtual tours of museums, History channel shows, Rosetta stone for a new language!
- Talk on the phone to people you keep missing
- Make cards for seniors and vets
- Get in shape with walks or free classes on youtube or online
- Declutter your digital stuff – emails, files, apps, pictures….
- Do something everyday at home during quarantine that makes you / your home better! Clean something, organize something, decorate something. This will be a positive boost to you each day.
- Got samples? We seem to always get samples of other products for hair/make-up/skin care. Gather them all up and put them in a basket or glass bowl and pick a few to try each day! It will be like a mini spa treatment each day and maybe you’ll just find your new favorite product!
- Create a chore list by day to stay on track!
- This is the BEST time to go through your pantry. Discover what you have and place things next to each other for meals. Make a list of the things you have that you would need to get something else to go with it for a meal. And if you don’t need anything, this is the time to donate to a food pantry! Use what you have!
- Take time to go through your containers (make sure they are good and have the lid) and your big water cups/tumblers/to go cups. These areas take up big space in your kitchen and always seem to get out of hand!
- Accessory time! Hats, scarves, gloves. We’re almost to the end of that season – what did you wear – what didn’t you wear? Go through and take out the items you are done with. Clean if you can the ones you did use and get them organized (even put away if you think you are done!)
- Office Day! Attack the surface of your desk to make sure all that you put on it really needs to be on it. I am sure you are spending more time than normal there so make sure it is a space that works for you.
- Go through paint! How many times have you painted each room? I bet you have cans from each color. Ones already solid can be put in trash right away. Then, one dry day, open all the discard ones to dry out in your driveway. Once done – trash them. Also, of the keep ones, if you don’t have written on them where they are for, take a sharpie and label them.
- Jewelry – gifts, inherited items, bling for a party – there tends to be a lifelong acquisition with little letting go. Dive in to the jewels! Let go of anything damaged that isn’t worth anything, let go of pieces you’ll never wear again due to style changes, let go of items you never really wanted but just took. If family pieces, take pictures and send to others to see if they want to get after this pandemic is over. For all things that can be donated, put in small boxes or ziplocs and donate when possible.
In all of this, remember to take care of your mental health – music daily, movie daily, tea daily, or whatever helps you keep sane! And keep a list of what you do so when this is over you can reflect on how you used this forced downtime!