New Acquisition Questions

I am taking this from a blog I am subscribed to,

We need to be aware and informed about the items we bring into our home.  If you struggle with clutter, you know that more stuff solves nothing.  So, here are some great questions to answer before acquiring something.   Print, put on an index card and laminate with clear packing tape.  When you just don’t know on something, walk yourself through these to make a good decision!

Questions for New Acquisitions:

  1. Do I have something like this already that fulfills the same purpose?
  2. If I own something like this, am I ready to get rid of the older item since this newer item will have to replace it?
  3. Will this item make my life easier/save me time/save me money/fulfill an essential need?
  4. Where will this object live in our house?
  5. Is this the best price for this object, is this the best quality that I can get for the money, and is this object in its best possible condition?
  6. Do I need to do more research about this object before I make this purchase/bring it into my home?
  7. If this is a perishable item (like food), when will I use it and what will I do if I don’t use all of it?
  8. Does this item help me to develop the remarkable life that I want to live?

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