Pantry #2 Before and After

jordana@syLeave a Comment

Pantry before and after.  Expired or stale food was let go of. Setting up shelves/areas for each type of food and then a few bins yielded a more streamlined pantry.

Kitchen #4 Before and After

jordana@syLeave a Comment

Here are 4 cabinets before and after.  By just purging out the items that were expired or no longer wanted and making sure only like items were together, you can see that each cabinet is organized, has free space and you can easily find what you need when you need it.  A few lazy susans were added for the spices … Read More

Pantry #1 Before and After

jordana@syLeave a Comment

Before and after of a typical pantry.  Adding labels to bins and containers as well as the establishing sections on each shelf helps find what you need when you need it but also keep items organized when adding more of that type.